The Valpantena Canyon

From the Bellori hamlet of Lugo, where it is possible to visit the still functioning mill, this suggestive route starts, which was once characterized by numerous water mills that exploited the abundant resource that flowed down the Marciora valley, of which today only a few ruins remain.
You follow the "Madonnina path" that gradually climbs the deep Valpantena canyon, crossing the stream in two points.
Through a path immersed in a forest of hornbeams and chestnut trees, you reach the meadows of Corso, a hamlet further north in the municipality of Grezzana characterized by works of popular art such as a small church, capitals and a stone washhouse with a spring. A small detour, following the signs, will take you to the Caregon, a large red chair located in a panoramic point where the view ranges from Monte Baldo to Lessinia, in a space dominated by nature and silence.
Da qui si scende nuovamente fino al mulino di Bellori, punto di partenza dell'itinerario.
La segnaletica del progetto FEET, con frecce arancioni per i percorsi a piedi e azzurre per quelli in bici è una aiuto prezioso per seguire il percorso.