
The Valpantena

The Valpantena Network is designed to add value and promote the food and wine production

The Valpantena Network is designed to add value and promote the food and wine production and offerings of an identifiable area, highly devoted to quality in all its expressions.


The manifesto

The Valpantena
Charter :


We have a mission to accomplish

We have joined together in a collaborative network because we share the same love for the Valpantena, we want to enhance its regional identity and share its human and cultural heritage with a wider audience both in Italy and abroad.


The sense of planning together

We want to identify and promote tourist routes, food and wine, products of excellence and leisure activities that favour the discovery and experience of the Valpantena. Being a team, each participant is committed to working in connection with the others, coordinating their activities and initiatives in an organisation shared by all.


Joined in a virtuous circle

Siamo convinti che il valore del fare rete sia strettamente connesso alla nostra capacità di sostenere le eccellenze agricole, artigianali, produttive, enogastronomiche e turistico-ricettive della Valpantena e di creare sinergie tra tutte le realtà coinvolte nel progetto.


A value to be

We are also committed to encouraging and supporting the birth of new entrepreneurial activity, conscious that the success of the network also lies in planning the future of the Valpantena.


We have made a commitment

We share a responsibility to preserve the beauty of the valley and its characteristics of nature, landscape and culture, as only by protecting its uniqueness can we fulfil our mission.

Main numbers in Valpantena
Most important companies in Valpantena